Drain Dye Testing
One of the simplest methods of drainage investigation where you simply add the drain dye to a bucket of water and pour it into the drainage system in order to locate a leaking joint or to confirm connectivity on a system.
The drain dye comes in several colours including red, blue, green and purple and is available in powder or tablet form, the dye is environmentally friendly for use on storm water systems that outfall to water courses, brooks and rivers and it will not stain you bath, toilet or hand basin when used within the property.

Drain Dye Testing To Locate Leaking Drains
If you have water ingress within a cellar or sub-floor by systematically flush and dye testing external gullies and toilet lines you can determine if the leak is from the drainage system, if done correctly you should be able to accurately locate the problem section and discount those that are not leaking
Drain Dye Testing To Confirm Connectivity
We also use drain dye to confirm connectivity between different parts of a drainage system which is particularly useful on larger drainage systems or on sites where the drainage is separated into foul and storm water systems
Drain dye testing is a good starting point on water ingress issues it will not however tell you exactly where the leak is or if there is more that one defect or leaking joint, contractors tend to use a combination of investigation techniques in conjunction with dye testing including drain camera inspection and sonar drain tracing.
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